Robotic & Propulsion Engineer

Lex Kinkade Portrait

In 2017, Alexander (Lex) Kinkade graduated from Wright State University, where he majored in Electrical Engineering. Currently, working for the U.S. Government, he emphasizes how critical it is to "do it right the first time, or don't do it at all." Something that his father instilled in him early on in his life.

Born in Ogden, UT, he grew up with an engineering father from Illinois and a elementary school teaching mother from Central America. In 2005, his father and family was transferred to Ohio by the U.S. Air Force, which is where he has resided since. Early on, his father instilled critical thinking and problem solving; his mother instilled integrity and compassion for those less fortunate. His mother took the family abroad, he was able to travel to third-world countries at an early age. Opening his eyes opened to life outside of the United States.

Influenced by the concept of a "polymath", Lex is a jack of all trades. During the day, he is usually found in the garage tearing apart the engine of his car, or working on his motorcycle for the next track day event. At night he can be found observing the night sky with his telescope he drafted and 3D printed. He is obsessed with building and learning new things. Currently, Lex is pursuing a Master of Science in Astronautical Engineering with a Thesis in Rocket Propulsion, at The Ohio State University. On top of this, his future endeavors include obtaining his Private Pilot's License, become a State licensed Motorcycle Safety Instructor, and get married to his sweatheart, Deborah Spies.

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United States Air Force

Electrical Engineer May 2021 - Present

Supporting the D.o.D. and their initiatives for national defense.


Mechanical Engineer Feb 2021 - May 2021

Transferred to the Mechanical Dept. for personal growth and broadening of knowledge. Lex currently supports large scale projects by drafting installation drawings and ordering parts for on-site install.

Controls Software Engineer Feb 2019 - Feb 2021

Recognized at the department level and by external customers for outstanding service by providing fast, and thorough solutions to problems. Lex has a reputation within the company as one who is reliable, ready at a moment's notice, and the person to send when something urgently needs fixed. His day to day activities are programming automation systems and traveling to the customer sites for commissioning and maintenance.

EN Engineering

Distribution Design Engineer Feb 2018 - Jan 2019

During his time at EN Engineering, Lex designed the feeder line for the new FC Cincinnati Stadium; and, helped draft the overhead replacement for the CVG Airport underground feeder line. He was also the project lead for the Underground PILC replacement initiative for Duke Energy at the office. His main responsibilities were to do field inspections for overhead and underground replacements, and follow through with a designed replacement that were sent to linemen crews. He did this by leading a team of drafters to tackle the volume of work.

Air Force Institute of Technology

Graduate Research Associate/Consultant May 2017 - Dec 2017

Lex assisted Military personel with their thesis research, worked on a satellite mission, and worked with the D.O.D and NASIC on several problems of interest to the Air Force.

BWI Group

Validation Engineering Intern Apr 2015 - May 2017

As an Intern, Lex performed Unit Testing and Validation on software for customer coding standards/MISRA C standards. He spent most of his time helping Engineers in the Lab do hardware and software testing. He occaisionally worked on his SMD soldering within the lab on production ECUs and tested them with an Oscilloscope to verify singals and failsafes. Over the two years of work, he became the SME on Unit Testing Tools, teaching senior engineers through group/one on one meetings as an intern.



The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Master of Science; Astronautical Engineering
Jan 2021 - Anticipated Dec 2023

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
16.00x - Intro to Astronautics and Human Spaceflight Certificatation
June 2020-Aug 2020

Wright State University
Dayton, OH
Bachelor of Science; Electrical Engineering
Control Theory Specialization
Aug 2013 - Apr 2017


My personal career objectives are to take initiative with all assigned projects, maintain my professional integrity, and hone in on precise results. As each day passes, I aim to be a better person than I was the day prior in work, and in life. I aim to maximize my leadership potential, communication and problem solving skills. I value punctuality and adaptability in work. It is important to be flexible to fast changing schedules in a dynamic and changing tech industry.

My work mantra is to focus on delivering the best solution and product given the constraints instead of focusing on how to make the most amount of profit. “There should be more focus on the product or service itself, less time on board meetings, less time on financials. When I go spend time on the factory floor or really using the cars or thinking about the rockets...that’s where things have gone better.”
- Elon Musk, 2020



The Planetary Society

Mariner Member

The planetary was founded by Carl Sagan, and raises money towards planetary science and NASA Funding.

American Institute of Aerospace and Astronautics


AIAA is a Professional society for networking and discussion among the Astronautical and Aeronautical discipline.





Additive Manufacturing


NASA Astronaut EVA

My dream job is to become an astronaut, and perform an EVA; repairing something in outerspace. It is a passion that comes from all of the things I grew up loving. The excitement of adventure, the science and problems of engineering, and the satisfaction of building something with your hands. I dream of the day where I can make all of this a reality; and, believe it is in my power to make it happen. One day humanity will see the earth as the Pale Blue Dot that Carl Sagan once described it as.

“Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.”

-Carl Sagan, Cosmos